Data managment

Our data solutions are designed to ensure that you get the best from your data, improve the efficiency of your workforce, and help protect your business from data breaches. They also help you to meet GDPR and other regulatory requirements such as audits and safety checks.
Why have multiple data systems when you can have one?

Our data management platform extracts data from your existing systems and combines them into a single view of your business. No need to manage multiple systems and pay multiple software suppliers.

Need something new? Our data management platform allows for the creation of new data capturing forms, dashboards, and user screens for managing day to day operations.


Connect to existing data solutions Connect to existing data solutions
Share data securely with colleagues Share data securely with colleagues
Provide reports and dashboards to staff, customers, partners, and suppliers Provide reports and dashboards to staff, customers, partners, and suppliers
Quickly create new data solutions Quickly create new data solutions

Are you a camera, body camera, laptop or tablet manufacturer? Are you responsible for GDPR and Data Protection? You can embed our solutions into your own software and hardware.